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arXiv:0811.0660 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Resonant charge and spin transport in a t-stub coupled to a superconductor

Sourin Das, Sumathi Rao, Arijit Saha

Published 2008-11-05, updated 2009-11-03Version 4

We study transport through a single channel t-stub geometry strongly coupled to a superconducting reservoir. In contrast to the standard stub geometry which has both transmission resonances and anti-resonances in the coherent limit, we find that due to the proximity effect, this geometry shows neither a T=1 resonance (T is the transmission probability for electrons incident on the t-stub) nor a T=0 anti-resonance as we vary the energy of the incident electron. Instead, we find that there is only one resonant value at T=1/4, where charge transport vanishes while the spin transport is perfect.

Comments: This is the published version
Journal: Eur. Phys. J. B 72, 139-144 (2009)
Categories: cond-mat.mes-hall
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