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arXiv:0810.2913 [quant-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Effective Hamiltonian Approach to Open Systems and Its Applications

X. L. Huang, X. X. Yi, Chunfeng Wu, X. L. Feng, S. X. Yu, C. H. OH

Published 2008-10-16Version 1

By using the effective Hamiltonian approach, we present a self-consistent framework for the analysis of geometric phases and dynamically stable decoherence-free subspaces in open systems. Comparisons to the earlier works are made. This effective Hamiltonian approach is then extended to a non-Markovian case with the generalized Lindblad master equation. Based on this extended effective Hamiltonian approach, the non-Markovian master equation describing a dissipative two-level system is solved, an adiabatic evolution is defined and the corresponding adiabatic condition is given.

Comments: 9 pages, 2 figures
Journal: PRA 78,062114(2008)
Categories: quant-ph
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