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arXiv:0808.1719 [astro-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

A Probable New Globular Cluster in the Galactic Disk

Jay Strader, Henry A. Kobulnicky

Published 2008-08-12Version 1

We report the discovery of a probable new globular cluster in the disk of the Milky Way. Visible in 2MASS and the GLIMPSE survey, it has an estimated foreground extinction of A_V ~ 24 mag. The absolute magnitude of the cluster and the luminosity function of the red giant branch are most consistent with that of an old globular cluster with a mass of a few times 10^5 solar masses at a distance of 4-8 kpc.

Comments: 13 pages, submitted to AJ on 10 July 2008
Categories: astro-ph
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