arXiv:0806.3889 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Dynamics of strong and radiative decays of Ds mesons
Madeleine Soyeur, Matthias F. M. Lutz
Published 2008-06-24Version 1
The positive parity scalar D$_{s0}^*$(2317) and axial-vector D$_{s1}^*$(2460) charmed strange mesons are generated by coupled-channel dynamics through the s-wave scattering of Goldstone bosons off the pseudoscalar and vector D(D$_s$)-meson ground states. The attraction leading to the specific masses of these states reflects the chiral symmetry breaking scale which characterizes the Weinberg-Tomozawa interaction in the chiral Lagrangian. Chiral corrections to order Q$_\chi^2$ are calculated and found to be small. The D$_{s0}^*$(2317) and D$_{s1}^*$(2460) mesons decay either strongly into the isospin-violating $\pi^0$D$_s$ and $\pi^0$D$_s^*$ channels or electromagnetically. We show that the $\pi^0$-$\eta$ and (K$^0$D$^+$-K$^+$D$^0$) mixings act constructively to generate strong widths of the order of 140 keV. The one-loop contribution to the radiative decay amplitudes of scalar and axial-vector states is calculated using the electromagnetic Lagrangian to chiral order Q$_\chi^2$. We show the importance of taking into account processes involving light vector mesons explicitly in the dynamics of electromagnetic decays to obtain a satisfactory description of the available data.