arXiv:0804.3655 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Reexamination for the calculation of elliptic flow and other fourier harmonics
Xiao-Mei Li, Bao-Guo Dong, Yu-Liang Yan, Hai-Liang Ma, Dai-Mei Zhou, Ben-Hao Sa
Published 2008-04-23, updated 2009-12-16Version 3
We have argued that the azimuthal symmetry and asymmetry components in fourier expansion of particle momentum azimuthal distribution, $v_n$ (n=0, 1, 2, ...), should be calculated as an average of $cos(n\phi)$ first over particles in an event and then over events (event-wise average) rather than "an average over all particles in all events" (particle-wise average). In case of large centrality (multiplicity) bin the particle-wise average is not accurate because the influence (fluctuation) of particle multiplicity was not taken into account.
Comments: 4 pages,1 figures
Categories: nucl-th
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