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arXiv:0804.2678 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Density Functional Theory for non-relativistic Fermions in the Unitarity Limit

Gautam Rupak, Thomas Schaefer

Published 2008-04-17, updated 2008-11-17Version 3

We derive an energy density functional for non-relativistic spin one-half fermions in the limit of a divergent two-body scattering length. Using an epsilon expansion around d=4-epsilon spatial dimensions we compute the coefficient of the leading correction beyond the local density approximation (LDA). In the case of N fermionic atoms trapped in a harmonic potential this correction has the form E=E_(LDA)(1+c_s (3N)^(-2/3)), where E_(LDA) is the total energy in LDA approximation. At next-to-leading order in the epsilon expansion we find c_s=1.68, which is significantly larger than the result for non-interacting fermions, c_s=0.5.

Comments: 17 pages, final version, Nuclear Physics A, in press
Journal: Nucl.Phys.A816:52-64,2009
Categories: nucl-th, cond-mat.other
Subjects: 21.20.Jz, 71.15.Mb
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