arXiv:0804.2065 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Coulomb dissociation of 9Li and the rate of the 8Li(n,g)9Li reaction
P. Banerjee, R. Chatterjee, R. Shyam
Published 2008-04-13, updated 2008-09-12Version 2
We calculate the Coulomb dissociation of 9Li on Pb and U targets at 28.5 MeV/A beam energy within a finite range distorted wave Born approximation formalism of the breakup reactions. Invoking the principle of detailed balance, these cross sections are used to determine the excitation function and subsequently the rate of the radiative capture reaction 8Li(n,g)9Li at astrophysical energies. Our method is free from the uncertainties associated with the multipole strength distributions of the 9Li nucleus. The rate of this reaction at a temperature of 10^9K is found to be about 2900 cm^3 mole^{-1} s^{-1}.
Comments: 13 pages Revtex, 2 figures, title and abstract changed on referee's suggestions, figures modified and discussions extended, results remain the same; version to appear in Phys. Rev. C
Journal: Phys.Rev.C78:035804,2008
Keywords: coulomb dissociation, 9li reaction, finite range distorted wave born, range distorted wave born approximation, distorted wave born approximation formalism
Tags: journal article
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