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arXiv:0712.1447 [astro-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Microlensing Effects in Atmospheres of Substars

L. A. Berdina, A. A. Minakov

Published 2007-12-10Version 1

The purpose of the present work is the study of focusing properties of atmospheres of substars that is necessary for adequate interpreting of observational data and for solving the inverse problem consisting in recovery parameters of 'microlenses' (substars) and sources (quasars). Amplification factor for a quasar image as projected onto the field of microlenses-substars was computed for optical and radio wavelengths.

Comments: Published in Proceedings of the 14th Young Scientists Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine, April 23-28, 2007
Journal: YSC'14 Proceedings of Contributed Papers (eds. G. Ivashchenko, A. Golovin), Kyiv, Kyivskyi Universytet, pp. 18-21, 2007
Categories: astro-ph
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