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arXiv:0710.2433 [astro-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Astrophysical Condition on the attolensing as a possible probe for a modified gravity theory

Takahiro Sato, Bobby E. Gunara, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Freddy P. Zen

Published 2007-10-12Version 1

We investigate the wave effect in the gravitational lensing by a black hole with very tiny mass less than 10^-19 solar mass, which is called attolensing, motivated by a recent report that the lensing signature might be a possible probe of a modified gravity theory in the braneworld scenario. We focus on the finite source size effect and the effect of the relative motion of the source to the lens, which are influential to the wave effect in the attolensing. Astrophysical condition that the lensed interference signature can be a probe of the modified gravity theory is demonstrated. The interference signature in the microlensing system is also discussed.

Comments: Accepted for publication in IJMPA
Journal: Int.J.Mod.Phys.A23:167-179,2008
Categories: astro-ph
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