arXiv:0710.1591 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in SU(N_{c}) gauge theories with large number of fermion flavors
Published 2007-10-08Version 2
In this paper we examine a phase transition in $SU(N_{c})$ gauge theories governed by the existence of an infrared fixed point of the renormalization group $\beta$ function. The nonlinear integral Schwinger-Dyson equation for a mass function of massless fermions is solved numerically using the exact expression of the running coupling in two-loop approximation for an SU(3) gauge theory. Based on the obtained solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equation, the value of the chiral condensate, $<\bar{q}q>$, and the decay constant, $f_{\pi}$, of bound states (mesons) are calculated for several values of fermion flavors $N_{f}$. We show that this kind of phase transition is a transition of finite order.
Comments: 5 pages,1 figure
Categories: hep-ph
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