arXiv:0705.2797 [hep-lat]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Beauty mesons in lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry
Ting-Wai Chiu, Tung-Han Hsieh, Chao-Hsi Huang, Kenji Ogawa
Published 2007-05-19Version 1
We present the first study of treating b, c, and s quarks as Dirac fermions in lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry. For 100 gauge configurations generated with single-plaquette action at beta = 7.2 on the 32^3 x 60 lattice, we compute point-to-point quark propagators for 33 quark masses in the range 0.01 < m_q a < 0.85, and measure the time-correlation function of (pseudo-)scalar, (pseudo-)vector, and tensor mesons, for symmetric and asymmetric quark masses respectively. The lowest-lying mass spectra of mesons with quark contents b_bbar, c_bbar, s_bbar, and c_cbar are determined, together with the pseudoscalar decay constants. Our results are sumarized in Tables 1-5. Furthermore, we also determine the b and c quark masses in the MS_bar scheme, m_b = 4.65(5) GeV, and m_c = 1.16(4) GeV.