arXiv:0704.3790 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Next-to-leading-order corrections to exclusive processes in $k_T$ factorization
Published 2007-04-28, updated 2007-08-19Version 2
We calculate next-to-leading-order (NLO) corrections to exclusive processes in $k_T$ factorization theorem, taking $\pi\gamma^*\to\gamma$ as an example. Partons off-shell by $k_T^2$ are considered in both the quark diagrams from full QCD and the effective diagrams for the pion wave function. The gauge dependences in the above two sets of diagrams cancel, when deriving the $k_T$-dependent hard kernel as their difference. The gauge invariance of the hard kernel is then proven to all orders by induction. The light-cone singularities in the $k_T$-dependent pion wave function are regularized by rotating the Wilson lines away from the light cone. This regularization introduces a factorization-scheme dependence into the hard kernel, which can be minimized in the standard way. Both the large double logarithms $\ln^2k_T$ and $\ln^2 x$, $x$ being a parton momentum fraction, arise from the loop correction to the virtual photon vertex, the former being absorbed into the pion wave function and organized by the $k_T$ resummation, and the latter absorbed into a jet function and organized by the threshold resummation. The NLO corrections are found to be only few-percent for $\pi\gamma^*\to\gamma$, if setting the factorization scale to the momentum transfer from the virtual photon.