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Keyboard Navigation
The attribute accesskey
provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the HTML element. For example, if you are using Firefox on Linux or Windows, the combination Alt + Shift + H
will jump to our help center. However, the operation to activate the access key depends on your browser and its platform. Please refer to the Wikipedia page about access keys to see which modifier keys should be used. The following is a list of access keys for our website:
Access key | Mapping |
0-9 | Navigation links in the header and footer, eg. 0 maps to the home page and 9 maps to /donate . |
S | The "Search or type a command" input field in the header. |
H | The table of contents for our help pages. |
Z | The "Back to Table of Contents" link for our help pages. |
U | The user's profile page. Only availble for regersted users. |
B | The user's bookmarks. Only availble for regersted users. |
M | The user's messages. Only availble for regersted users. |
C | The chat room. Only availble for regersted users. |
P | The previous page link in a pagination for the /browse and /search pages. |
N | The next page link in a pagination for the /browse and /search pages. |
A | The "Abstract on" link in the abstract page for an article. |
D | The "View preprint PDF" link in the abstract page for an article. |
T | The "Download TeX source" link in the abstract page for an article. |
X | The "Export citation in BibTeX" link in the abstract page for an article. |
J | The "Save eprint metadata as JSON" link in the abstract page for an article. |
E | The "Edit our extended metadata" link for an article or the "Edit" link for a review. |
Besides, you can also use the Tab key for focus management and your browser's keyboard shortcuts to perform common tasks quickly. Please refer to the corresponding guides for Firefox, Chrome, and other browsers.