{ "id": "nucl-th/0104060", "version": "v3", "published": "2001-04-20T05:10:47.000Z", "updated": "2001-07-18T01:22:24.000Z", "title": "Dipole resonances in oxygen isotopes in time-dependent density-matrix theory", "authors": [ "M. Tohyama", "A. S. Umar" ], "comment": "7 pages, 6 figures", "journal": "Phys.Lett. B516 (2001) 415-420", "doi": "10.1016/S0370-2693(01)00925-X", "categories": [ "nucl-th" ], "abstract": "The strength functions of isovector dipole resonances in the even oxygen isotopes $^{18\\sim24}$O are calculated by using an extended version of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock theory known as the time-dependent density-matrix theory (TDDM). The results are compared with recent experimental data and also with a shell-model calculation. It is found that the observed isotope dependence of low-lying dipole strength is reproduced in TDDM when the strength of the residual interaction is properly chosen. It is also found that there is a difference between the TDDM prediction and the shell-model calculation for $^{24}$O.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v3", "updated": "2001-07-18T01:22:24.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "21.60.Jz", "24.30.Cz", "25.20.-x" ], "keywords": [ "time-dependent density-matrix theory", "oxygen isotopes", "shell-model calculation", "isovector dipole resonances", "time-dependent hartree-fock theory" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 7, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 555678 } } }