{ "id": "hep-ex/9912036", "version": "v1", "published": "1999-12-16T17:48:46.000Z", "updated": "1999-12-16T17:48:46.000Z", "title": "Experimental Techniques", "authors": [ "J. Engelfried" ], "comment": "20 pages with 15 figures included. Course given at the VII Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, November 10-17, 1999. Proceedings to be published by AIP", "journal": "AIP Conf.Proc.531:102-121,2000", "doi": "10.1063/1.1315035", "categories": [ "hep-ex" ], "abstract": "In this course we will give examples for experimental techniques used in particle physics experiments. After a short introduction, we will discuss applications in silicon microstrip detectors, wire chambers, and single photon detection in Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) counters. A short discussion of the relevant physics processes, mainly different forms of energy loss in matter, is enclosed.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "1999-12-16T17:48:46.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "experimental techniques", "particle physics experiments", "silicon microstrip detectors", "single photon detection", "relevant physics processes" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "publication": { "publisher": "AIP", "journal": "AIP Conf. Proc." }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 20, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 511662 } } }