{ "id": "hep-ex/0607104", "version": "v1", "published": "2006-07-31T14:35:59.000Z", "updated": "2006-07-31T14:35:59.000Z", "title": "Measurement of the CKM angle gamma in B ->D(*)0K decays with a Dalitz analysis of D0->KS pi- pi+", "authors": [ "The BABAR Collaboration", "B. Aubert" ], "comment": "21 pages, 6 figures. Contributed to the 33rd International Conference on High-Energy Physics, ICHEP 06, Moscow", "categories": [ "hep-ex" ], "abstract": "We present a measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa CP-violating phase gamma with a Dalitz analysis of neutral D-meson decays to the K^0_s pi^- pi^+ final state from B^+/- -> D^{(*)}K^+/- decays, using a sample of 347 million B\\bar{B} events collected by the BaBar detector. We measure gamma = (92 +/- 41 +/- 11 +/- 12)deg, where the first error is statistical, the second is the experimental systematic uncertainty and the third reflects the Dalitz model uncertainty. For the ratios r_B^{(*)} between the magnitudes of amplitudes A(B- -> D^{(*)0}K-) and A(B- ->\\bar{D}^{(*)0} K-) we obtain the one-standard deviation intervals [0,0.14] and [0.02,0.20], respectively. All results presented here are preliminary.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2006-07-31T14:35:59.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "ckm angle gamma", "dalitz analysis", "measurement", "cabibbo-kobayashi-maskawa cp-violating phase gamma", "neutral d-meson decays" ], "tags": [ "conference paper" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 21, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 722705, "adsabs": "2006hep.ex....7104T" } } }