{ "id": "astro-ph/9802281", "version": "v1", "published": "1998-02-22T19:49:00.000Z", "updated": "1998-02-22T19:49:00.000Z", "title": "The evolution of the clustering of QSOs", "authors": [ "F. La Franca", "P. Andreani", "S. Cristiani" ], "comment": "4 pages, 2 figures, LaTex, uses lamuphys.sty. Contributed talk at ESO/ATNF Workshop ``Looking Deep in the Southern Sky'', Sydney, Australia, 10--12 December 1997, eds. R. Morganti and W. Couch", "categories": [ "astro-ph" ], "abstract": "The evolution of QSO clustering is investigated with a new sample of 388 QSOs with 0.3