{ "id": "astro-ph/9406004", "version": "v1", "published": "1994-06-01T22:10:56.000Z", "updated": "1994-06-01T22:10:56.000Z", "title": "Modeling the Radial Distribution of Blue Stragglers in M3", "authors": [ "Steinn Sigurdsson", "Melvyn B. Davies", "Michael Bolte" ], "comment": "14 pages, uuencoded postscript including 1 figure. Lick Observatory Preprint Series No. 27. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Letters", "doi": "10.1086/187486", "categories": [ "astro-ph" ], "abstract": "Recent surveys of the blue straggler (BS) population in the galactic globular cluster M3 (NGC 5272) give the first complete characterization of the number density of BSs as a function of radius over an entire globular cluster. The BSs in M3 are overabundant at large radii, and significantly underabundant at intermediate radii. Here we present the result of a simulation of the dynamical evolution of a population of BSs in a multi--mass model of M3. Assuming the BSs were formed in the core through binary interactions (Hut \\&\\ Verbunt 1983, Leonard 1989, Sigurdsson \\&\\ Phinney 1993, Hut \\etal 1992, Davies, Benz and Hills 1994), and given some very general assumptions about the recoil that occurs during stellar mergers in interacting binaries; we find an excellent fit to the observed radial distribution of BSs, suggesting strongly that most of the BSs in M3 were formed through binary collisions in the core.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "1994-06-01T22:10:56.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "blue straggler", "radial distribution", "galactic globular cluster m3", "first complete characterization", "entire globular cluster" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 14, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 390491 } } }