{ "id": "astro-ph/0603294", "version": "v1", "published": "2006-03-12T23:29:40.000Z", "updated": "2006-03-12T23:29:40.000Z", "title": "Dynamics and Shape of Brightest Cluster Galaxies", "authors": [ "H. Andernach", "K. Alamo-Martinez", "R. Coziol", "E. Tago" ], "comment": "2 pages, 2 figures, Proc. ESO Workshop \"Groups of galaxies in the nearby Universe\", Santiago, Chile, 5-9 Dec. 2005, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov & J. Borissova, Springer-Verlag", "categories": [ "astro-ph" ], "abstract": "We identified Brightest Cluster Members (BCM) on DSS images of 1083 Abell clusters, derived their individual and host cluster redshifts from literature and determined the BCM ellipticity. Half the BCMs move at a speed higher than 37 % of the cluster velocity dispersion sigma_{cl}, suggesting that most BCMs are part of substructures falling into the main cluster. Both, the BCM's velocity offset in units of sigma_{cl}, and BCM ellipticity, weakly decrease with cluster richness.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2006-03-12T23:29:40.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "brightest cluster galaxies", "bcm ellipticity", "cluster velocity dispersion", "host cluster redshifts", "bcms velocity offset" ], "publication": { "doi": "10.1007/978-3-540-71173-5_65" }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 2, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 712263, "adsabs": "2007ggnu.conf..395A" } } }