{ "id": "2409.13834", "version": "v1", "published": "2024-09-20T18:20:24.000Z", "updated": "2024-09-20T18:20:24.000Z", "title": "Detachable pairs in $3$-connected matroids and simple $3$-connected graphs", "authors": [ "Nick Brettell", "Charles Semple", "Gerry Toft" ], "categories": [ "math.CO" ], "abstract": "Let $M$ be a $3$-connected matroid. A pair $\\{e,f\\}$ in $M$ is detachable if $M \\backslash e \\backslash f$ or $M / e / f$ is $3$-connected. Williams (2015) proved that if $M$ has at least 13 elements, then at least one of the following holds: $M$ has a detachable pair, $M$ has a $3$-element circuit or cocircuit, or $M$ is a spike. We address the case where $M$ has a $3$-element circuit or cocircuit, to obtain a characterisation of when a matroid with at least 13 elements has a detachable pair. As a consequence, we characterise when a simple $3$-connected graph $G$ with $|E(G)| \\ge 13$ has a pair of edges $\\{e,f\\}$ such that $G/e/f$ or $G \\backslash e\\backslash f$ is simple and $3$-connected.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2024-09-20T18:20:24.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "05B35" ], "keywords": [ "detachable pair", "connected matroid", "connected graph", "element circuit", "characterisation" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 0, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }