{ "id": "2402.02640", "version": "v2", "published": "2024-02-04T23:29:23.000Z", "updated": "2024-02-06T02:42:09.000Z", "title": "Determination of the spins and parities for the 0$_{4}^{+}$ and 0$_{5}^{+}$ states in $^{100}$Zr", "authors": [ "J. Wu", "M. P. Carpenter", "F. G. Kondev", "R. V. F. Janssens", "S. Zhu", "E. A. McCutchan", "A. D. Ayangeakaa", "J. Chen", "J. Clark", "D. J. Hartley", "T. Lauritsen", "N. Pietralla", "G. Savard", "D. Seweryniak", "V. Werner" ], "categories": [ "nucl-ex" ], "abstract": "Two 0$^{+}$ states at 1294.5 and 1774.0 keV, together with three 2$^{+}$ and one 4$^{+}$ levels, were identified or unambiguously spin-parity assigned for the first time in $^{100}$Zr utilizing $\\gamma$-ray spectroscopy and $\\gamma$-$\\gamma$ angular correlation techniques with the Gammasphere spectrometer, following the $\\beta^{-}$ decay of neutron-rich, mass separated $^{100,100m}$Y isotopes. Comparisons with recent Monte Carlo Shell-Model (MCSM) calculations indicate that these two states are candidates for the bandhead of a sequence in a shape-coexisting spherical minimum predicted to be located around $\\approx$1500 keV. According to the measured relative B(E2)$_{relative}$ transition probabilities, the 0$_{5}^{+}$ state exhibits decay properties which more closely align with those predicted for a spherical shape, while the 0$_{4}^{+}$ level is suggested to be associated with a weakly-deformed shape similar to one related to the 0$_{2}^{+}$ state.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v2", "updated": "2024-02-06T02:42:09.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "determination", "angular correlation techniques", "monte carlo shell-model", "first time", "decay properties" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 0, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }