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arXiv:2010.10490 [math.NT]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

The number of zeros of linear combinations of $L$-functions near the critical line

Youness Lamzouri, Yoonbok Lee

Published 2020-10-20Version 1

In this paper, we investigate the zeros near the critical line of linear combinations of $L$-functions belonging to a large class, which conjecturally contains all $L$-functions arising from automorphic representations on $\text{GL}(n)$. More precisely, if $L_1, \dots, L_J$ are distinct primitive $L$-functions with $J\ge 2$, and $b_j$ are any nonzero real numbers, we prove that the number of zeros of $F(s)=\sum_{j\leq J} b_j L_j(s)$ in the region $\text{Re}(s)\geq 1/2+1/G(T)$ and $\text{Im}(s)\in [T, 2T]$ is asymptotic to $K_0 T G(T)/\sqrt{\log G(T)}$ uniformly in the range $ \log \log T \leq G(T)\leq (\log T)^{\nu}$, where $K_0$ is a certain positive constant that depends on $J$ and the $L_j$'s. This establishes a generalization of a conjecture of Hejhal in this range. Moreover, the exponent $\nu$ verifies $\nu\asymp 1/J$ as $J$ grows.

Comments: 56 pages, submitted
Categories: math.NT
Subjects: 11E45, 11M41
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