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arXiv:2006.01591 [astro-ph.EP]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Radius Study of Ten Transiting Hot Jupiter Exoplanets with Ground-Based Observations

F. Davoudi, A. Poro, E. Paki, P. Mirshafie, F. Ahangarani, A. Farahani, M. Roshana, F. Abolhasani, Sh. Zamanpour, E. Lashgari, S. Modarres, A. Mohandes

Published 2020-06-02Version 1

In this research, 14 light curves of 10 hot Jupiter exoplanets available on Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD) were analyzed. We extracted the transit parameters using EXOFAST software. Finally, we compared the planet's radius parameter calculated by the EXOFAST with the value at the NASA Exoplanet Archive (NEA) using the confidence interval method. According to the results obtained from this comparison, there is an acceptable match for the planet's radius with NEA values. Also, based on the average value of 350 mm optics in this study, it shows that the results obtained using small telescopes can be very significant if there is appropriate observational skill to study more discovered planets.

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