{ "id": "2003.02679", "version": "v1", "published": "2020-03-05T14:46:30.000Z", "updated": "2020-03-05T14:46:30.000Z", "title": "On the Ehrhart Polynomial of Minimal Matroids", "authors": [ "Luis Ferroni" ], "comment": "14 pages, 1 figure", "categories": [ "math.CO" ], "abstract": "We provide a formula for the Ehrhart polynomial of the connected matroid of size $n$ and rank $k$ with the least number of bases, also known as a minimal matroid [9]. We prove that their polytopes are Ehrhart positive and $h^*$-real-rooted (and hence unimodal). We use our formula for these Ehrhart polynomials to prove that the operation of circuit-hyperplane relaxation of a matroid preserves Ehrhart positivity. We state two conjectures: that indeed all matroids are $h^*$-real-rooted, and that the coefficients of the Ehrhart polynomial of a connected matroid of fixed rank and cardinality are bounded by those of the corresponding minimal matroid and the corresponding uniform matroid.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2020-03-05T14:46:30.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "05B35", "52B20", "11B73" ], "keywords": [ "ehrhart polynomial", "matroid preserves ehrhart positivity", "connected matroid", "corresponding uniform matroid", "corresponding minimal matroid" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 14, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }