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arXiv:2001.00162 [math.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Overpartitions and Bressoud's conjecture, II

Thomas Y. He, Kathy Q. Ji, Alice X. H. Zhao

Published 2020-01-01Version 1

The main objective of this paper is to prove Bressoud's conjecture for $j=0$. The case for $j=1$ has been recently proved by Kim. We first obtain an overpartition analogue of Bressoud's conjecture for $j=1$ by using a bijective method. We then show that Bressoud's conjecture for $j=0$ can be derived from the overpartition analogue of Bressoud's conjecture for $j=1$ with the aid of the relation between the partition function $B_0$ in Bressoud's conjecture and the partition function $\bar{B}_1$ established in our previous paper.

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