{ "id": "1909.11808", "version": "v1", "published": "2019-09-25T23:06:31.000Z", "updated": "2019-09-25T23:06:31.000Z", "title": "Simultaneous core partitions with nontrivial common divisor", "authors": [ "Jean-Baptiste Gramain", "Rishi Nath", "James A. Sellers" ], "comment": "20 pages", "categories": [ "math.CO", "math.NT" ], "abstract": "A tremendous amount of research has been done in the last two decades on $(s,t)$-core partitions when $s$ and $t$ are positive integers with no common divisor. Here we change perspective slightly and explore properties of $(s,t)$-core and $(\\bar{s},\\bar{t})$-core partitions for $s$ and $t$ with nontrivial common divisor $g$. We begin by revisiting work by D. Aukerman, D. Kane and L. Sze on $(s,t)$-core partitions for nontrivial $g$ before obtaining a generating function for the number of $(\\bar{s},\\bar{t})$-core partitions of $n$ under the same conditions. Our approach, using the $g$-core, $g$-quotient and bar-analogues, allows for new results on $t$-cores and self-conjugate $t$-cores that are {\\it not} $g$-cores and $\\bar{t}$-cores that are {\\it not} $\\bar{g}$-cores, thus strengthening positivity results of K. Ono and A. Granville, J. Baldwin et. al., and I. Kiming. We then detail a new bijection between self-conjugate $(s,t)$-core and $(\\bar{s},\\bar{t})$-core partitions for $s$ and $t$ odd with odd, nontrivial common divisor $g$. Here the core-quotient construction fits remarkably well with certain lattice-path labelings due to B. Ford, H. Mai, and L. Sze and C. Bessenrodt and J. Olsson. Along the way we give a new proof of a correspondence of J. Yang between self-conjugate $t$-core and $\\bar{t}$-core partitions when $t$ is odd and positive. We end by noting $(s,t)$-core and $(\\bar{s}, \\bar{t})$-core partitions inherit Ramanujan-type congruences from those of $g$-core and $\\bar{g}$-core partitions.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2019-09-25T23:06:31.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "05A17", "11P83" ], "keywords": [ "nontrivial common divisor", "simultaneous core partitions", "core partitions inherit ramanujan-type congruences", "core-quotient construction fits", "self-conjugate" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 20, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }