{ "id": "1909.03351", "version": "v1", "published": "2019-09-07T23:30:19.000Z", "updated": "2019-09-07T23:30:19.000Z", "title": "Measurements of production and inelastic cross sections for $\\mbox{p}+\\mbox{C}$, $\\mbox{p}+\\mbox{Be}$, and $\\mbox{p}+\\mbox{Al}$ at 60 GeV/$c$ and $\\mbox{p}+\\mbox{C}$ and $\\mbox{p}+\\mbox{Be}$ at 120 GeV/$c$", "authors": [ "A. Aduszkiewicz", "E. V. Andronov", "T. Antićić", "V. Babkin", "M. Baszczyk", "S. Bhosale", "A. Blondel", "M. Bogomilov", "A. Brandin", "A. Bravar", "W. Bryliński", "J. Brzychczyk", "M. Buryakov", "O. Busygina", "A. Bzdak", "H. Cherif", "M. Ćirković", "M. Csana", "J. Cybowska", "T. Czopowicz", "A. Damyanova", "N. Davis", "M. Deliyergiyev", "M. Deveaux", "A. Dmitriev", "W. Dominik", "P. Dorosz", "J. Dumarchez", "R. Engel", "G. A. Feofilov", "L. Fields", "Z. Fodor", "A. Garibov", "M. Gaździcki", "O. Golosov", "M. Golubeva", "K. Grebieszkow", "F. Guber", "A. Haesler", "S. N. Igolkin", "S. Ilieva", "A. Ivashkin", "S. R. Johnson", "K. Kadija", "E. Kaptur", "N. Kargin", "E. Kashirin", "M. Kiełbowicz", "V. A. Kireyeu", "V. Klochkov", "V. I. Kolesnikov", "D. Kolev", "A. Korzenev", "V. N. Kovalenko", "K. Kowalik", "S. Kowalski", "M. Koziel", "A. Krasnoperov", "W. Kucewicz", "M. Kuich", "A. Kurepin", "D. Larsen", "A. László", "T. V. Lazareva", "M. Lewicki", "K. Łojek", "B. Łysakowski", "V. V. Lyubushkin", "M. Maćkowiak-Pawłowska", "Z. Majka", "B. Maksiak", "A. I. Malakhov", "A. Marchionni", "A. Marcinek", "A. D. Marino", "K. Marton", "H. -J. Mathes", "T. Matulewicz", "V. Matveev", "G. L. Melkumov", "A. O. Merzlaya", "B. Messerly", "Ł. Mik", "G. B. Mills", "S. Morozov", "S. Mrówczyński", "Y. Nagai", "M. Naskręt", "V. Ozvenchuk", "V. Paolone", "M. Pavin", "O. Petukhov", "R. Płaneta", "P. Podlaski", "B. A. Popov", "B. Porfy", "M. Posiadała-Zezula", "D. S. Prokhorova", "D. Pszczel", "S. Puławski", "J. Puzović", "M. Ravonel", "R. Renfordt", "E. Richter-Wąs", "D. Röhrich", "E. Rondio", "M. Roth", "B. T. Rumberger", "M. Rumyantsev", "A. Rustamov", "M. Rybczynski", "A. Rybicki", "A. Sadovsky", "K. Schmidt", "I. Selyuzhenkov", "A. Yu. Seryakov", "P. Seyboth", "M. Słodkowski", "A. Snoch", "P. Staszel", "G. Stefanek", "J. Stepaniak", "M. Strikhanov", "H. Ströbele", "T. Šuša", "A. Taranenko", "A. Tefelska", "D. Tefelski", "V. Tereshchenko", "A. Toia", "R. Tsenov", "L. Turko", "R. Ulrich", "M. Unger", "F. F. Valiev", "D. Veberič", "V. V. Vechernin", "A. Wickremasinghe", "Z. Włodarczyk", "A. Wojtaszek-Szwarc", "K. Wójcik", "O. Wyszyński", "L. Zambelli", "E. D. Zimmerman", "R. Zwaska" ], "categories": [ "hep-ex" ], "abstract": "This paper presents measurements of production cross sections and inelastic cross sections for the following reactions: 60 GeV/$c$ protons with C, Be, Al targets and 120 GeV/$c$ protons with C and Be targets. The analysis was performed using the NA61/SHINE spectrometer at the CERN SPS. First measurements were obtained using protons at 120 GeV/$c$, while the results for protons at 60 GeV/$c$ were compared with previously published measurements. These interaction cross section measurements are critical inputs for neutrino flux prediction in current and future accelerator-based long-baseline neutrino experiments.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2019-09-07T23:30:19.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "inelastic cross sections", "interaction cross section measurements", "production cross sections", "neutrino flux prediction", "accelerator-based long-baseline neutrino experiments" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 0, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }