{ "id": "1907.05418", "version": "v1", "published": "2019-07-11T17:59:13.000Z", "updated": "2019-07-11T17:59:13.000Z", "title": "Adversarial Objects Against LiDAR-Based Autonomous Driving Systems", "authors": [ "Yulong Cao", "Chaowei Xiao", "Dawei Yang", "Jing Fang", "Ruigang Yang", "Mingyan Liu", "Bo Li" ], "categories": [ "cs.CR", "cs.CV", "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ], "abstract": "Deep neural networks (DNNs) are found to be vulnerable against adversarial examples, which are carefully crafted inputs with a small magnitude of perturbation aiming to induce arbitrarily incorrect predictions. Recent studies show that adversarial examples can pose a threat to real-world security-critical applications: a \"physical adversarial Stop Sign\" can be synthesized such that the autonomous driving cars will misrecognize it as others (e.g., a speed limit sign). However, these image-space adversarial examples cannot easily alter 3D scans of widely equipped LiDAR or radar on autonomous vehicles. In this paper, we reveal the potential vulnerabilities of LiDAR-based autonomous driving detection systems, by proposing an optimization based approach LiDAR-Adv to generate adversarial objects that can evade the LiDAR-based detection system under various conditions. We first show the vulnerabilities using a blackbox evolution-based algorithm, and then explore how much a strong adversary can do, using our gradient-based approach LiDAR-Adv. We test the generated adversarial objects on the Baidu Apollo autonomous driving platform and show that such physical systems are indeed vulnerable to the proposed attacks. We also 3D-print our adversarial objects and perform physical experiments to illustrate that such vulnerability exists in the real world. Please find more visualizations and results on the anonymous website: https://sites.google.com/view/lidar-adv.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2019-07-11T17:59:13.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "adversarial objects", "lidar-based autonomous driving systems", "adversarial examples", "autonomous driving detection systems", "apollo autonomous driving platform" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 0, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }