{ "id": "1901.08261", "version": "v1", "published": "2019-01-24T07:29:49.000Z", "updated": "2019-01-24T07:29:49.000Z", "title": "Perturbation of elliptic operators in 1-sided NTA domains satisfying the capacity density condition", "authors": [ "Murat Akman", "Steve Hofmann", "José María Martell", "Tatiana Toro" ], "categories": [ "math.CA", "math.AP" ], "abstract": "Let $\\Omega\\subset\\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$, $n\\ge 2$, be a 1-sided non-tangentially accessible domain (aka uniform domain), that is, a set which satisfies the interior corkscrew and Harnack chain conditions, respectively scale-invariant/quantitative versions of openness and path-connectedness. Assume that $\\Omega$ satisfies the so-called capacity density condition. Let $L_0u=-{\\rm div\\,}(A_0\\nabla u)$, $Lu=-{\\rm div\\,}(A\\nabla u)$ be two real symmetric uniformly elliptic operators, and write $\\omega_{L_0}$, $\\omega_L$ for the associated elliptic measures. The goal of this paper is to find sufficient conditions guaranteeing that $\\omega_L$ satisfies $A_\\infty$ or $RH_q$ conditions with respect to $\\omega_{L_0}$. We show that if the discrepancy of the two matrices satisfies a natural Carleson measure condition with respect to $\\omega_0$ then $\\omega_L\\in A_\\infty(\\omega_0)$. Moreover, $\\omega_L\\in RH_q(\\omega_0)$ for any given $1