{ "id": "1812.08345", "version": "v1", "published": "2018-12-20T03:14:45.000Z", "updated": "2018-12-20T03:14:45.000Z", "title": "Minuscule reverse plane partitions via quiver representations", "authors": [ "Alexander Garver", "Rebecca Patrias", "Hugh Thomas" ], "comment": "Comments welcome", "categories": [ "math.RT", "math.CO" ], "abstract": "A nilpotent endomorphism of a quiver representation induces a linear transformation on the vector space at each vertex. Generically among all nilpotent endomorphisms, there is a well-defined Jordan form for these linear transformations, which is an interesting new invariant of a quiver representation. If $Q$ is a Dynkin quiver and $m$ is a minuscule vertex, we show that representations consisting of direct sums of indecomposable representations all including $m$ in their support, the category of which we denote by $\\mathcal C_{Q,m}$, are determined up to isomorphism by this invariant. We use this invariant to define a bijection from isomorphism classes of representations in $\\mathcal C_{Q,m}$ to reverse plane partitions whose shape is the minuscule poset corresponding to $Q$ and $m$. By relating the piecewise-linear promotion action on reverse plane partitions to Auslander-Reiten translation in the derived category, we give a uniform proof that the order of promotion equals the Coxeter number. In type $A_n$, we show that special cases of our bijection include the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth and Hillman-Grassl correspondences.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2018-12-20T03:14:45.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "16G20", "05E10" ], "keywords": [ "minuscule reverse plane partitions", "linear transformation", "nilpotent endomorphism", "quiver representation induces", "piecewise-linear promotion action" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 0, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }