{ "id": "1811.04902", "version": "v1", "published": "2018-11-12T18:41:49.000Z", "updated": "2018-11-12T18:41:49.000Z", "title": "The Erd\\H{os}-Ko-Rado property of trees of depth two", "authors": [ "Carl Feghali" ], "comment": "10 pages, 1 figure", "categories": [ "math.CO" ], "abstract": "A family of sets is intersecting if any two sets in the family intersect. Given a graph $G$ and an integer $r\\geq 1$, let $\\mathcal{I}^{(r)}(G)$ denote the family of independent sets of size $r$ of $G$. For a vertex $v$ of $G$, let $\\mathcal{I}^{(r)}_v(G)$ denote the family of independent sets of size $r$ that contain $v$. This family is called an $r$-star. Then $G$ is said to be $r$-EKR if no intersecting subfamily of $ \\mathcal{I}^{(r)}(G)$ is bigger than the largest $r$-star. Let $n, r \\geq 1$, $k \\geq 2$, and let $T(n, k)$ be the tree of depth two in which the root has degree $n$ and every neighbour of the root has the same number $k + 1$ of neighbours. For each $k \\geq 2$, we show that $T(n, k)$ is $r$-EKR if $2r \\leq n$, extending results of Borg and of Feghali, Johnson and Thomas who considered the case $k = 1$.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2018-11-12T18:41:49.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "05D05" ], "keywords": [ "independent sets", "family intersect", "extending results" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 10, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }