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arXiv:1804.08556 [math.NT]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Furstenberg systems of bounded multiplicative functions and applications

Nikos Frantzikinakis, Bernard Host

Published 2018-04-23Version 1

We prove a structural result for measure preserving systems naturally associated with any finite collection of multiplicative functions that take values on the complex unit disc. We show that these systems have no irrational spectrum and their building blocks are Bernoulli systems and infinite-step nilsystems. One consequence of our structural result is that strongly aperiodic multiplicative functions satisfy the logarithmically averaged variant of the disjointness conjecture of Sarnak for a wide class of zero entropy topological dynamical systems, which includes all uniquely ergodic ones. We deduce that aperiodic multiplicative functions with values plus or minus one have super-linear block growth. Another consequence of our structural result is that products of shifts of arbitrary multiplicative functions with values on the unit disc do not correlate with any totally ergodic deterministic sequence of zero mean. Our methodology is based primarily on techniques developed in a previous article of the authors where analogous results were proved for the M\"obius and the Liouville function. A new ingredient needed is a result obtained recently by Tao and Ter\"av\"ainen related to the odd order cases of the Chowla conjecture.

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