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arXiv:1801.03922 [quant-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Quantum algorithm for simulating real time evolution of lattice Hamiltonians

Jeongwan Haah, Matthew B. Hastings, Robin Kothari, Guang Hao Low

Published 2018-01-11Version 1

We present a decomposition of the real time evolution operator $e^{-i T H}$ of any local Hamiltonian $H$ on lattices $\Lambda \subseteq \mathbb Z^D$ into local unitaries based on Lieb-Robinson bounds. Combining this with recent quantum simulation algorithms for real time evolution, we find that the resulting quantum simulation algorithm has gate count $\mathcal O( T n ~\mathrm{polylog} (T n/\epsilon))$ and depth $\mathcal O( T ~\mathrm{polylog}(Tn/\epsilon))$, where $n$ is the space volume or the number of qubits, $T$ is the time of evolution, and $\epsilon$ is the accuracy of the simulation in operator norm. In contrast to this, the previous best quantum algorithms have gate count $\mathcal O(Tn^{2} ~\mathrm{polylog} (T n/\epsilon))$. Our approach readily generalizes to time-dependent Hamiltonians as well, and yields an algorithm with similar gate count for any piecewise slowly varying time-dependent bounded local Hamiltonian. Finally, we also prove a matching lower bound on the gate count of such a simulation, showing that any quantum algorithm that can simulate a piecewise time-independent bounded local Hamiltonian in one dimension requires $\Omega(Tn / \mathrm{polylog}(Tn) )$ gates in the worst case. In the appendix, we prove a Lieb-Robinson bound tailored to Hamiltonians with small commutators between local terms. Unlike previous Lieb-Robinson bounds, our version gives zero Lieb-Robinson velocity in the limit of commuting Hamiltonians. This improves the performance of our algorithm when the Hamiltonian is close to commuting.

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