{ "id": "1801.03079", "version": "v1", "published": "2018-01-09T18:50:03.000Z", "updated": "2018-01-09T18:50:03.000Z", "title": "Asymmetry Hurts: Private Information Retrieval Under Asymmetric Traffic Constraints", "authors": [ "Karim Banawan", "Sennur Ulukus" ], "comment": "Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, January 2018", "categories": [ "cs.IT", "cs.CR", "math.IT" ], "abstract": "We consider the classical setting of private information retrieval (PIR) of a single message (file) out of $M$ messages from $N$ distributed databases under the new constraint of \\emph{asymmetric traffic} from databases. In this problem, the \\emph{ratios between the traffic} from the databases are constrained, i.e., the ratio of the length of the answer string that the user (retriever) receives from the $n$th database to the total length of all answer strings from all databases is constrained to be $\\tau_n$. This may happen if the user's access to the databases is restricted due database availability, channel quality to the databases, and other factors. For this problem, for fixed $M$, $N$, we develop a general upper bound $\\bar{C}(\\boldsymbol{\\tau})$, which generalizes the converse proof of Sun-Jafar, where database symmetry was inherently used. Our converse bound is a piece-wise affine function in the traffic ratio vector $\\boldsymbol{\\tau}=(\\tau_1, \\cdots, \\tau_N)$. For the lower bound, we explicitly show the achievability of $\\binom{M+N-1}{M}$ corner points. For the remaining traffic ratio vectors, we perform time-sharing between these corner points. The recursive structure of our achievability scheme is captured via a system of difference equations. The upper and lower bounds exactly match for $M=2$ and $M=3$ for any $N$ and any $\\boldsymbol{\\tau}$. The results show strict loss of PIR capacity due to the asymmetric traffic constraints compared with the symmetric case of Sun-Jafar which implicitly uses $\\tau_n=\\frac{1}{N}$ for all $n$.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2018-01-09T18:50:03.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "private information retrieval", "asymmetric traffic constraints", "asymmetry hurts", "traffic ratio vector", "corner points" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 0, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }