{ "id": "1711.04288", "version": "v1", "published": "2017-11-12T13:09:21.000Z", "updated": "2017-11-12T13:09:21.000Z", "title": "On the mass and decay constant of the P-wave ground and radially excited $h_{c}$ and $h_{b}$ axial-vector mesons", "authors": [ "K. Azizi", "J. Y. Sungu" ], "comment": "10 Pages, 4 Figures and 4 Tables", "categories": [ "hep-ph", "hep-ex", "hep-lat" ], "abstract": "Masses and decay constants of heavy quarkonia $h_{Q}(1P)$ and $h_{Q}(2P)$ (Q = b, c) with quantum numbers $J^{PC} =1^{+-}$ are calculated in the framework of two-point QCD sum rule method by taking into account the vacuum condensates up to eight dimensions. We compare our results for parameters of the $h_{b}(1P)$ and $h_{c}(1P)$ quarkonia, and their first radially excited states $h_{b}(2P)$ and $h_{c}(2P)$ with available experimental data as well as predictions of other theoretical studies existing in the literature. The results of present work may shed light on experimental searches for the $h_{c}(2P)$ state.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2017-11-12T13:09:21.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "decay constant", "p-wave ground", "axial-vector mesons", "two-point qcd sum rule method", "heavy quarkonia" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 10, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable" } } }