{ "id": "1512.07366", "version": "v1", "published": "2015-12-23T06:46:10.000Z", "updated": "2015-12-23T06:46:10.000Z", "title": "First Observation of Doubly Cabibbo-Suppressed Decay of a Charmed Baryon: $Λ^{+}_{c} \\rightarrow p K^{+} π^{-}$", "authors": [ "Belle Collaboration", "S. B. Yang", "K. Tanida", "B. H. Kim", "I. Adachi", "H. Aihara", "D. M. Asner", "V. Aulchenko", "V. Babu", "I. Badhrees", "A. M. Bakich", "E. Barberio", "V. Bhardwaj", "B. Bhuyan", "J. Biswal", "G. Bonvicini", "A. Bozek", "M. Bračko", "T. E. Browder", "D. Červenkov", "V. Chekelian", "A. Chen", "B. G. Cheon", "K. Chilikin", "R. Chistov", "K. Cho", "V. Chobanova", "Y. Choi", "D. Cinabro", "J. Dalseno", "M. Danilov", "N. Dash", "Z. Doležal", "Z. Drásal", "D. Dutta", "S. Eidelman", "H. Farhat", "J. E. Fast", "T. Ferber", "B. G. Fulsom", "V. Gaur", "N. Gabyshev", "A. Garmash", "R. Gillard", "Y. M. Goh", "P. Goldenzweig", "D. Greenwald", "J. Grygier", "J. Haba", "P. Hamer", "T. Hara", "K. Hayasaka", "H. Hayashii", "W. -S. Hou", "T. Iijima", "K. Inami", "G. Inguglia", "A. Ishikawa", "R. Itoh", "Y. Iwasaki", "W. W. Jacobs", "I. Jaegle", "H. B. Jeon", "K. K. Joo", "T. Julius", "K. H. Kang", "E. Kato", "P. Katrenko", "C. Kiesling", "D. Y. Kim", "H. J. Kim", "J. B. Kim", "K. T. Kim", "M. J. Kim", "S. H. Kim", "S. K. Kim", "Y. J. Kim", "K. Kinoshita", "N. Kobayashi", "P. Kodyš", "S. Korpar", "P. Križan", "P. Krokovny", "T. Kuhr", "A. Kuzmin", "Y. -J. Kwon", "J. S. Lange", "I. S. Lee", "C. H. Li", "H. Li", "L. Li", "Y. Li", "L. Li Gioi", "J. Libby", "D. Liventsev", "M. Lubej", "M. Masuda", "D. Matvienko", "K. Miyabayashi", "H. Miyata", "R. Mizuk", "G. B. Mohanty", "A. Moll", "H. K. Moon", "R. Mussa", "E. Nakano", "M. Nakao", "T. Nanut", "K. J. Nath", "M. Nayak", "K. Negishi", "M. Niiyama", "N. K. Nisar", "S. Nishida", "S. Ogawa", "S. Okuno", "S. L. Olsen", "G. Pakhlova", "B. Pal", "C. W. Park", "H. Park", "T. K. Pedlar", "R. Pestotnik", "M. Petrič", "L. E. Piilonen", "C. Pulvermacher", "J. Rauch", "M. Ritter", "A. Rostomyan", "O. Schneider", "G. Schnell", "C. Schwanda", "A. J. Schwartz", "Y. Seino", "S. Ryu", "H. Sahoo", "Y. Sakai", "S. Sandilya", "L. Santelj", "T. Sanuki", "Y. Sato", "V. Savinov", "T. Schlüter", "K. Senyo", "O. Seon", "I. S. Seong", "M. E. Sevior", "V. Shebalin", "T. -A. Shibata", "J. -G. Shiu", "B. Shwartz", "F. Simon", "Y. -S. Sohn", "A. Sokolov", "S. Stanič", "M. Starič", "J. Stypula", "M. Sumihama", "T. Sumiyoshi", "M. Takizawa", "U. Tamponi", "Y. Teramoto", "K. Trabelsi", "V. Trusov", "M. Uchida", "T. Uglov", "Y. Unno", "S. Uno", "P. Urquijo", "Y. Usov", "P. Vanhoefer", "G. Varner", "K. E. Varvell", "A. Vinokurova", "A. Vossen", "M. N. Wagner", "C. H. Wang", "M. -Z. Wang", "P. Wang", "X. L. Wang", "Y. Watanabe", "K. M. Williams", "E. Won", "J. Yamaoka", "S. Yashchenko", "H. Ye", "J. Yelton", "C. Z. Yuan", "Y. Yusa", "Z. P. Zhang", "V. Zhilich", "V. Zhulanov", "A. Zupanc" ], "comment": "6 pages, 3 figures", "categories": [ "hep-ex" ], "abstract": "We report the first observation of the decay $\\Lambda^{+}_{c} \\rightarrow p K^{+} \\pi^{-}$ using a 980 $\\mathrm{fb^{-1}}$ data sample collected by the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider. This is the first doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay of a charmed baryon to be observed. We measure the branching ratio of this decay with respect to its Cabibbo-favored counterpart to be $\\mathcal{B}(\\Lambda^{+}_{c} \\rightarrow p K^{+} \\pi^{-})/\\mathcal{B}(\\Lambda^{+}_{c} \\rightarrow p K^{-} \\pi^{+})=(2.35\\pm0.27\\pm0.21)\\times10^{-3}$, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2015-12-23T06:46:10.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "first observation", "charmed baryon", "first doubly cabibbo-suppressed decay", "kekb asymmetric-energy", "data sample" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 6, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "adsabs": "2015arXiv151207366B", "inspire": 1411218 } } }