{ "id": "1405.5586", "version": "v2", "published": "2014-05-22T01:03:32.000Z", "updated": "2014-11-19T01:17:08.000Z", "title": "Role of the $Δ^*(1940)$ in the $π^+ p \\to K^+ Σ^+(1385)$ and $pp \\to n K^+ Σ^+(1385)$ reactions", "authors": [ "Ju-Jun Xie", "En Wang", "Bing-Song Zou" ], "comment": "Published in Phys. Rev. C. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.0468", "journal": "Physical Review C 90, 025207 (2014)", "doi": "10.1103/PhysRevC.90.025207", "categories": [ "nucl-th", "hep-ex", "hep-ph", "nucl-ex" ], "abstract": "The $p p \\to n K^+ \\Sigma^+(1385)$ reaction is a very good isospin $3/2$ filter for studying $\\Delta^{++*}$ resonance decaying to $K^+\\Sigma^+(1385)$. Within the effective Lagrangian method, we investigate the $\\Sigma(1385)$ (spin-parity $J^P = 3/2^+$) hadronic production in the $\\pi^+ p \\to K^+ \\Sigma^+(1385)$ and $p p \\to n K^+ \\Sigma^+(1385)$ reactions. For $\\pi^+ p \\to K^+ \\Sigma^+(1385)$ reaction, in addition to the \"background\" contributions from $t$-channel $K^{*0}$ exchange, $u$-channel $\\Lambda(1115)$ and $\\Sigma^0(1193)$ exchange, we also consider the contribution from the $s$-channel $\\Delta^*(1940)$ resonance, which has significant coupling to $K\\Sigma(1385)$ channel. We show that the inclusion of the $\\Delta^*(1940)$ resonance leads to a fairly good description of the low energy experimental total cross section data of $\\pi^+ p \\to K^+ \\Sigma^+(1385)$ reaction. Basing on the study of $\\pi^+ p \\to K^+\\Sigma^+(1385)$ reaction and with the assumption that the excitation of $\\Delta^*(1940)$ resonance dominant the $pp \\to n K^+ \\Sigma^+(1385)$ reaction, we calculate the total and differential cross sections of $p p \\to n K^+ \\Sigma^+(1385)$ reaction. It is shown that the new experimental data support the important role played by the $\\Delta^*(1940)$ resonance with a mass in the region of $1940$ MeV and a width of around $200$ MeV. We also demonstrate that the invariant mass distribution and the Dalitz Plot provide direct information of the $\\Sigma^+(1385)$ production, which can be tested by future experiments.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2014-05-22T01:03:32.000Z", "comment": "11 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.0468", "journal": null, "doi": null }, { "version": "v2", "updated": "2014-11-19T01:17:08.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "13.75.-n", "14.20.Gk", "13.30.Eg" ], "keywords": [ "experimental total cross section data", "energy experimental total cross section", "low energy experimental total cross" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "publication": { "publisher": "APS", "journal": "Physical Review C", "year": 2014, "month": "Aug", "volume": 90, "number": 2, "pages": "025207" }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 11, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 1297488, "adsabs": "2014PhRvC..90b5207X" } } }