{ "id": "1309.0575", "version": "v2", "published": "2013-09-03T02:43:53.000Z", "updated": "2013-09-17T01:20:15.000Z", "title": "Measurement of $e^+ e^- \\to ωπ^0$, $K^{\\ast}(892)\\bar{K}$ and $K_2^{\\ast}(1430)\\bar{K}$ at $\\sqrt{s}$ near 10.6 GeV", "authors": [ "Belle Collaboration", "C. P. Shen", "C. Z. Yuan", "A. Sibidanov", "P. Wang", "K. Hayasaka", "X. L. Wang", "I. Adachi", "H. Aihara", "D. M. Asner", "T. Aushev", "A. M. Bakich", "A. Bala", "V. Bhardwaj", "B. Bhuyan", "A. Bondar", "G. Bonvicini", "A. Bozek", "M. Bračko", "T. E. Browder", "M. -C. Chang", "A. Chen", "B. G. Cheon", "R. Chistov", "I. -S. Cho", "K. Cho", "V. Chobanova", "S. -K. Choi", "Y. Choi", "D. Cinabro", "J. Dalseno", "Z. Doležal", "Z. Drásal", "A. Drutskoy", "D. Dutta", "S. Eidelman", "H. Farhat", "J. E. Fast", "T. Ferber", "A. Frey", "V. Gaur", "N. Gabyshev", "S. Ganguly", "R. Gillard", "Y. M. Goh", "B. Golob", "J. Haba", "H. Hayashii", "Y. Hoshi", "W. -S. Hou", "H. J. Hyun", "T. Iijima", "A. Ishikawa", "R. Itoh", "Y. Iwasaki", "T. Iwashita", "I. Jaegle", "T. Julius", "D. H. Kah", "J. H. Kang", "E. Kato", "T. Kawasaki", "C. Kiesling", "D. Y. Kim", "H. J. Kim", "H. O. Kim", "J. B. Kim", "J. H. Kim", "Y. J. Kim", "K. Kinoshita", "B. R. Ko", "P. Kodyš", "S. Korpar", "P. Križan", "P. Krokovny", "T. Kumita", "A. Kuzmin", "Y. -J. Kwon", "J. S. Lange", "S. -H. Lee", "Y. Li", "J. Libby", "C. Liu", "Y. Liu", "P. Lukin", "D. Matvienko", "H. Miyata", "R. Mizuk", "A. Moll", "T. Mori", "N. Muramatsu", "R. Mussa", "Y. Nagasaka", "M. Nakao", "Z. Natkaniec", "M. Nayak", "C. Ng", "S. Nishida", "O. Nitoh", "S. Ogawa", "S. Okuno", "Y. Onuki", "G. Pakhlova", "H. Park", "H. K. Park", "T. K. Pedlar", "R. Pestotnik", "M. Petrič", "L. E. Piilonen", "M. Ritter", "M. Röhrken", "A. Rostomyan", "S. Ryu", "H. Sahoo", "T. Saito", "Y. Sakai", "S. Sandilya", "L. Santelj", "T. Sanuki", "Y. Sato", "V. Savinov", "O. Schneider", "G. Schnell", "C. Schwanda", "D. Semmler", "K. Senyo", "M. Shapkin", "T. -A. Shibata", "J. -G. Shiu", "B. Shwartz", "F. Simon", "Y. -S. Sohn", "A. Sokolov", "E. Solovieva", "M. Starič", "M. Steder", "T. Sumiyoshi", "U. Tamponi", "K. Tanida", "G. Tatishvili", "Y. Teramoto", "M. Uchida", "S. Uehara", "T. Uglov", "Y. Unno", "S. Uno", "P. Urquijo", "S. E. Vahsen", "C. Van Hulse", "P. Vanhoefer", "G. Varner", "A. Vinokurova", "A. Vossen", "M. N. Wagner", "C. H. Wang", "Y. Watanabe", "K. M. Williams", "E. Won", "Y. Yamashita", "S. Yashchenko", "Y. Yook", "C. C. Zhang", "Z. P. Zhang", "V. Zhilich" ], "comment": "17 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication as a Regular Article in Physical Review D", "journal": "Phys. Rev. D 88, 052019 (2013)", "doi": "10.1103/PhysRevD.88.052019", "categories": [ "hep-ex", "hep-ph" ], "abstract": "Using data samples of 89 fb$^{-1}$, 703 fb$^{-1}$, and 121 fb$^{-1}$ collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider at center-of-mass energies 10.52 GeV, 10.58 GeV, and 10.876 GeV, respectively, we study the exclusive reactions $e^+e^- \\to \\omega\\pi^0$, $K^{\\ast}(892)\\bar{K}$, and $K_2^{\\ast}(1430)\\bar{K}$ (Charge-conjugate modes are included implicitly). Significant signals of $\\omega\\pi^0$, $K^{\\ast}(892)^0\\bar{K}^0$, and $K_2^{\\ast}(1430)^-K^+$ are observed for the first time at these energies, and the energy dependencies of the cross sections are presented. On the other hand, no significant excesses for $K^{\\ast}(892)^-K^+$ and $K_2^{\\ast}(1430)^0 \\bar{K}^0$ are found, and we set limits on the cross section ratios $R_{\\rm VP} = \\frac{\\sigma_B(e^+e^-\\to K^{\\ast}(892)^0\\bar K^0)} {\\sigma_B(e^+e^-\\to K^{\\ast}(892)^-K^+)}>$ 4.3, 20.0, and 5.4, and $R_{\\rm TP} = \\frac{\\sigma_B(e^+e^-\\to K_2^{\\ast}(1430)^0\\bar K^0)} {\\sigma_B(e^+e^-\\to K_2^{\\ast}(1430)^-K^+)}<$ 1.1, 0.4, and 0.6, for center-of-mass energies of 10.52 GeV, 10.58 GeV, and 10.876 GeV, respectively, at the 90% C.L.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v2", "updated": "2013-09-17T01:20:15.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "13.66.Bc", "13.25.Jx", "13.40.Gp", "14.40.Df" ], "keywords": [ "measurement", "center-of-mass energies", "cross section ratios", "belle detector", "data samples" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "publication": { "publisher": "APS", "journal": "Phys. Rev. D" }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 17, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 1252555, "adsabs": "2013arXiv1309.0575B" } } }