{ "id": "1307.7923", "version": "v1", "published": "2013-07-30T11:42:55.000Z", "updated": "2013-07-30T11:42:55.000Z", "title": "Nuclear lattice simulations: Status and perspectives", "authors": [ "Ulf-G. Meißner" ], "comment": "Plenary talk sponsored by The European Physical Journal A -- Hadrons and Nuclei, INPC 2013, Florence, Italy, 8 pages, 3 figures, uses webofc.cls", "categories": [ "nucl-th", "hep-lat", "hep-ph", "nucl-ex" ], "abstract": "I review the present status of nuclear lattice simulations. This talk is dedicated to the memory of Gerald E. Brown.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2013-07-30T11:42:55.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "keywords": [ "nuclear lattice simulations", "perspectives" ], "publication": { "doi": "10.1051/epjconf/20146601012" }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 8, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 1245253, "adsabs": "2014EPJWC..6601012M" } } }