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arXiv:1307.4686 [math.OC]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

On martingale problems with continuous-time mixing and values of zero-sum games without Isaacs condition

Mihai Sîrbu

Published 2013-07-17, updated 2014-04-15Version 4

We consider a zero-sum stochastic differential game over elementary mixed feed-back strategies. These are strategies based only on the knowledge of the past state, randomized continuously in time from a sampling distribution which is kept constant in between some stopping rules. Once both players choose such strategies, the state equation admits a unique solution in the sense of the martingale problem of Stroock and Varadhan. We show that the game defined over martingale solutions has a value, which is the unique continuous viscosity solution of the randomized Isaacs equation.

Comments: references and comments added, revised description of the literature
Categories: math.OC
Subjects: 91A05, 91A15, 60G46, 60H10
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