{ "id": "1212.6400", "version": "v4", "published": "2012-12-27T17:30:55.000Z", "updated": "2014-10-02T13:19:46.000Z", "title": "Measurement of the inclusive semileptonic branching fraction $\\mathcal{B}(B_s^0 \\rightarrow X^- \\ell^+ ν_\\ell)$ at Belle", "authors": [ "Belle Collaboration", "C. Oswald", "P. Urquijo", "J. Dingfelder", "I. Adachi", "H. Aihara", "K. Arinstein", "D. M. Asner", "T. Aushev", "A. M. Bakich", "K. Belous", "V. Bhardwaj", "B. Bhuyan", "A. Bondar", "G. Bonvicini", "A. Bozek", "M. Bračko", "T. E. Browder", "P. Chang", "V. Chekelian", "A. Chen", "P. Chen", "B. G. Cheon", "K. Chilikin", "R. Chistov", "K. Cho", "V. Chobanova", "S. -K. Choi", "Y. Choi", "D. Cinabro", "J. Dalseno", "Z. Doležal", "Z. Drásal", "A. Drutskoy", "D. Dutta", "S. Eidelman", "S. Esen", "H. Farhat", "J. E. Fast", "V. Gaur", "N. Gabyshev", "S. Ganguly", "R. Gillard", "Y. M. Goh", "B. Golob", "J. Haba", "K. Hayasaka", "H. Hayashii", "Y. Horii", "Y. Hoshi", "W. -S. Hou", "H. J. Hyun", "T. Iijima", "A. Ishikawa", "R. Itoh", "Y. Iwasaki", "D. H. Kah", "J. H. Kang", "E. Kato", "T. Kawasaki", "C. Kiesling", "H. J. Kim", "H. O. Kim", "J. B. Kim", "K. T. Kim", "M. J. Kim", "Y. J. Kim", "K. Kinoshita", "J. Klucar", "B. R. Ko", "S. Korpar", "R. T. Kouzes", "P. Križan", "P. Krokovny", "B. Kronenbitter", "T. Kuhr", "T. Kumita", "Y. -J. Kwon", "S. -H. Lee", "J. Li", "Y. Li", "J. Libby", "C. Liu", "Y. Liu", "Z. Q. Liu", "D. Liventsev", "R. Louvot", "O. Lutz", "D. Matvienko", "K. Miyabayashi", "H. Miyata", "R. Mizuk", "G. B. Mohanty", "A. Moll", "N. Muramatsu", "Y. Nagasaka", "E. Nakano", "M. Nakao", "E. Nedelkovska", "N. K. Nisar", "S. Nishida", "O. Nitoh", "T. Nozaki", "S. Ogawa", "T. Ohshima", "S. Okuno", "S. L. Olsen", "W. Ostrowicz", "P. Pakhlov", "G. Pakhlova", "H. Park", "H. K. Park", "T. K. Pedlar", "R. Pestotnik", "M. Petrič", "L. E. Piilonen", "M. Prim", "K. Prothmann", "M. Ritter", "M. Röhrken", "M. Rozanska", "S. Ryu", "H. Sahoo", "T. Saito", "Y. Sakai", "S. Sandilya", "L. Santelj", "T. Sanuki", "Y. Sato", "O. Schneider", "G. Schnell", "C. Schwanda", "A. J. Schwartz", "K. Senyo", "O. Seon", "M. E. Sevior", "M. Shapkin", "C. P. Shen", "T. -A. Shibata", "J. -G. Shiu", "B. Shwartz", "A. Sibidanov", "F. Simon", "P. Smerkol", "Y. -S. Sohn", "A. Sokolov", "E. Solovieva", "M. Starič", "T. Sumiyoshi", "G. Tatishvili", "Y. Teramoto", "K. Trabelsi", "T. Tsuboyama", "M. Uchida", "S. Uehara", "T. Uglov", "Y. Unno", "S. Uno", "C. Van Hulse", "P. Vanhoefer", "G. Varner", "K. E. Varvell", "C. H. Wang", "M. -Z. Wang", "P. Wang", "M. Watanabe", "Y. Watanabe", "K. M. Williams", "E. Won", "H. Yamamoto", "Y. Yamashita", "C. C. Zhang", "Z. P. Zhang", "V. Zhilich", "A. Zupanc" ], "comment": "Updated results after correction of an error concerning semileptonic B_s decays in the Belle EvtGen installation. Details can be found in the attached Erratum", "doi": "10.1103/PhysRevD.87.072008", "categories": [ "hep-ex" ], "abstract": "We report a measurement of the inclusive semileptonic $B_s^0$ branching fraction in a $121~fb^{-1}$ data sample collected near the $\\Upsilon(5S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy $e^+ e^-$ collider. Events containing $B_s^0$ pairs are selected by reconstructing a tag side $D_s^+$ and identifying a signal side lepton $\\ell^+$ ($\\ell = e, \\mu$) that is required to have the same-sign charge to ensure that both originate from different $B_s^0$ mesons. The $B_s^0 \\rightarrow X^- \\ell^+ \\nu_\\ell$ branching fraction is extracted from the ratio of the measured yields of $D_s^+$ mesons and $D_s^+ \\ell^+$ pairs and the known production and branching fractions. The inclusive semileptonic branching fraction is measured to be $[9.6 \\pm 0.4\\text{(stat)} \\pm 0.7\\text{(syst)}]~\\%$.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v3", "updated": "2013-03-18T13:59:24.000Z", "title": "Measurement of the inclusive semileptonic branching fraction Bf(B_s^0 -> X^- l^+ nu) at Belle", "abstract": "We report a measurement of the inclusive semileptonic B_s^0 branching fraction in a 121 fb^{-1} data sample collected near the Upsilon(5S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy e^+ e^- collider. Events containing B_s^0 pairs are selected by reconstructing a tag side D_s^+ and identifying a signal side lepton l^+ (l = e, mu) that is required to have the same-sign charge to ensure that both originate from different B_s^0 mesons. The B_s^0 -> X^- l^+ nu branching fraction is extracted from the ratio of the measured yields of D_s^+ mesons and D_s^+ l^+ pairs and the known production and branching fractions. The inclusive semileptonic branching fraction is measured to be [10.6 +/- 0.5(stat) +/- 0.7(syst)] %.", "comment": "10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRD", "journal": null }, { "version": "v4", "updated": "2014-10-02T13:19:46.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "13.20.He", "14.40.Nd" ], "keywords": [ "inclusive semileptonic branching fraction", "measurement", "signal side lepton", "kekb asymmetric energy", "data sample" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "publication": { "publisher": "APS", "journal": "Physical Review D", "year": 2013, "month": "Apr", "volume": 87, "number": 7, "pages": "072008" }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 10, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 1208997, "adsabs": "2013PhRvD..87g2008O" } } }