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arXiv:1106.3664 [hep-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Instanton Partons in 5-dim SU(N) Gauge Theory

Stefano Bolognesi, Kimyeong Lee

Published 2011-06-18, updated 2011-07-14Version 2

The circle compactification of the 6-dim (2,0) superconformal theory of $A_{N-1}$ type leads the 5-dim SU(N) maximally supersymmetric gauge theory. Instanton solitons embody Kaluza-Klein modes and are conjectured to be composed of partonic constituents. We realize such a parton of 1/N instanton topological charge at the intersection of magnetic flux sheets. After a further compactification with nontrivial Wilson line expectation value, instantons or calorons have been shown to be split into fundamental monopoles of fractional instanton charge. In the symmetric phase with trivial Wilson line expectation value, BPS instanton partons emerge more concretely as nonabelian BPS monopoles of minimum charge allowed in Dirac quantization.

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