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arXiv:1008.2189 [hep-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Hidden Conformal Symmetry of Kerr-Bolt Spacetimes

A. M. Ghezelbash, V. Kamali, M. R. Setare

Published 2010-08-12, updated 2010-10-18Version 2

We extend the recent proposal of hidden conformal symmetry to the four-dimensional spacetimes with rotational parameter and NUT twist. We consider the wave equation of a massless scalar field in background of Kerr-Bolt spacetimes and show in the "near region", the wave equation can be reproduced by the $SL(2,R)_L \times SL(2,R)_R$ Casimir quadratic operators. Moreover, we compute the microscopic entropy of the dual CFT by Cardy formula and find a perfect match to Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of Kerr-Bolt spacetimes. The absorption cross section of a near region scalar field also matches to microscopic absorption cross section of the dual CFT.

Comments: 9 pages, re-organized and re-writtend, typos corrected, main results and conclusion unchanged
Journal: Phys.Rev.D82:124051,2010
Categories: hep-th, gr-qc
Subjects: 04.70.Dy, 11.25.Hf
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