{ "id": "1001.5360", "version": "v2", "published": "2010-01-29T09:10:28.000Z", "updated": "2010-02-12T10:27:56.000Z", "title": "Branching fraction measurements of χ_{c0} and χ_{c2} to π^0π^0 and ηη", "authors": [ "The BESIII Collaboration" ], "comment": "17 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D", "journal": "Phys.Rev.D81:052005,2010", "doi": "10.1103/PhysRevD.81.052005", "categories": [ "hep-ex" ], "abstract": "Using a sample of 1.06 \\times 10^8 \\psi^{\\prime} decays collected by the BESIII detector, \\chi_{c0} and \\chi_{c2} decays into \\pi^0\\pi^0 and \\eta\\eta are studied. The branching fraction results are Br(\\chi_{c0}\\to\\pi^0\\pi^0)=(3.23\\pm 0.03\\pm0.23 \\pm 0.14)\\times 10^{-3}, Br(\\chi_{c2}\\to\\pi^0\\pi^0)=(8.8\\pm 0.2\\pm 0.6\\pm0.4)\\times 10^{-4}, Br(\\chi_{c0}\\to\\eta\\eta)=(3.44\\pm 0.10\\pm0.24 \\pm0.2)\\times 10^{-3}, and Br(\\chi_{c2}\\to\\eta\\eta)=(6.5\\pm 0.4\\pm 0.5\\pm 0.3)\\times 10^{-4}, where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic due to this measurement, and systematic due to the branching fractions of \\psi^{\\prime}\\to\\gamma\\chi_{cJ}, respectively. The results provide information on the decay mechanism of \\chi_c states into pseudoscalars.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v2", "updated": "2010-02-12T10:27:56.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "13.25.Gv", "14.40.Pq" ], "keywords": [ "branching fraction measurements", "besiii detector", "decay mechanism", "branching fraction results", "systematic" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "publication": { "publisher": "APS", "journal": "Physical Review D", "year": 2010, "month": "Mar", "volume": 81, "number": 5, "pages": "052005" }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 17, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 844232, "adsabs": "2010PhRvD..81e2005A" } } }