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arXiv:0912.2256 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Quantum Transport in an Array of Mesoscopic Rings: Effect of Interface Geometry

Paramita Dutta, Santanu K. Maiti, S. N. Karmakar

Published 2009-12-11, updated 2010-03-05Version 2

Electron transport properties are investigated in an array of mesoscopic rings, where each ring is threaded by a magnetic flux $\phi$. The array is attached to two semi-infinite one-dimensional metallic electrodes, namely, source and drain, where the rings are considered either in series or in parallel configuration. A simple tight-binding model is used to describe the system and all the calculations are done based on the Green's function formalism. Here, we present conductance-energy and current-voltage characteristics in terms of ring-to-electrode coupling strength, ring-electrode interface geometry and magnetic flux. Most interestingly it is observed that, typical current amplitude in an array of mesoscopic rings in the series configuration is much larger compared to that in parallel configuration of those rings. This feature is completely different from the classical analogy which may provide an important signature in designing nano-scale electronic devices.

Comments: 13 pages, 12 figures
Journal: Solid State Communications, Volume 150, Issues 23-24, June 2010, Pages 1056-1061
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