{ "id": "0910.0595", "version": "v3", "published": "2009-10-04T11:47:29.000Z", "updated": "2010-06-04T06:14:58.000Z", "title": "Determining nodes for semilinear parabolic equations", "authors": [ "RyƓhei Kakizawa" ], "comment": "16 pages", "categories": [ "math.AP", "math.NA" ], "abstract": "We are concerned with the uniqueness of the asymptotic behavior of strong solutions of the initial-boundary value problem for general semilinear parabolic equations by the asymptotic behavior of these strong solutions on a finite set of an entire domain. More precisely, if the asymptotic behavior of a strong solution is known on an appropriate finite set, then the asymptotic behavior of a strong solution itself is entirely determined in a domain. We prove the above property by the energy method.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v3", "updated": "2010-06-04T06:14:58.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "35K90", "65N35" ], "keywords": [ "asymptotic behavior", "strong solution", "determining nodes", "general semilinear parabolic equations", "initial-boundary value problem" ], "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 16, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "adsabs": "2009arXiv0910.0595K" } } }