{ "id": "0810.0358", "version": "v3", "published": "2008-10-02T09:26:09.000Z", "updated": "2009-12-09T18:59:42.000Z", "title": "Study of the $B\\to X(3872)(\\to D^{*0}\\bar D^0)K$ decay", "authors": [ "T. Aushev", "N. Zwahlen", "for the Belle Collaboration" ], "comment": "7 pages, 3 figures, BELLE-CONF-0832 contributed to ICHEP 2008, revised and submitted to Phys. Rev. D RC", "doi": "10.1103/PhysRevD.81.031103", "categories": [ "hep-ex" ], "abstract": "We present a study of $B\\to X(3872)K$ with X(3872) decaying to $D^{*0}\\bar D^0$ using a sample of 657 million $B\\bar B$ pairs recorded at the $\\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider. Both $D^{*0}\\to D^0\\gamma$ and $D^{*0}\\to D^0\\pi^0$ decay modes are used. We find a peak of $50.1^{+14.8}_{-11.1}$ events with a mass of $(3872.9^{+0.6 +0.4}_{-0.4 -0.5}){\\rm MeV}/c^2$, a width of $(3.9^{+2.8 +0.2}_{-1.4 -1.1}){\\rm MeV}/c^2$ and a product branching fraction ${\\cal B}(B\\to X(3872)K)\\times{\\cal B}(X(3872)\\to D^{*0}\\bar D^0)=(0.80\\pm0.20\\pm0.10)\\times10^{-4}$, where the first errors are statistical and the second ones are systematic. The significance of the signal is $6.4\\sigma$. The difference between the fitted mass and the $D^{*0}\\bar D^0$ threshold is calculated to be $(1.1^{+0.6 +0.1}_{-0.4 -0.3}){\\rm MeV}/c^2$. We also obtain an upper limit on the product of branching fractions ${\\cal B}(B\\to Y(3940)K)\\times{\\cal B}(Y(3940)\\to D^{*0}\\bar D^0)$ of $0.67\\times10^{-4}$ at 90% CL.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v3", "updated": "2009-12-09T18:59:42.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "14.40.Gx", "13.25.Hw", "12.39.Mk", "14.40.Rt" ], "keywords": [ "decay modes", "upper limit", "belle detector", "product branching fraction", "kekb asymmetric-energy" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "publication": { "publisher": "APS", "journal": "Physical Review D", "year": 2010, "month": "Feb", "volume": 81, "number": 3, "pages": "031103" }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 7, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 798279, "adsabs": "2010PhRvD..81c1103A" } } }