{ "id": "0807.0539", "version": "v1", "published": "2008-07-03T11:40:55.000Z", "updated": "2008-07-03T11:40:55.000Z", "title": "Long Gamma-Ray Bursts and the Morphology of their Host Galaxies", "authors": [ "A. I. Bogomazov", "V. M. Lipunov", "A. V. Tutukov" ], "comment": "4 pages, 2 figures", "journal": "Astron.Rep.52:463-466,2008", "doi": "10.1134/S1063772908060036", "categories": [ "astro-ph" ], "abstract": "We present the results of population syntheses for binary stars carried out using the ``Scenario Machine'' code with the aim of analyzing events that may result in long gamma-ray bursts. We show that the observed distribution of morphological types of the host galaxies of long gamma-ray bursts can be explained in a model in which long gamma-ray bursts result from the core collapse of massive Wolf-Rayet stars in close binaries. The dependence of the burst rate on galaxy type is associated with an increase in the rate of stellar-wind mass-loss with increasing stellar metallicity. The separation of binary components at the end of their evolution increases with the stellar-wind rate, resulting in a reduction of the number of binaries that produce gamma-bursts.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v1", "updated": "2008-07-03T11:40:55.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "98.70.Rz", "98.62.Lv", "97.80.Jp" ], "keywords": [ "host galaxies", "long gamma-ray bursts result", "morphology", "binary components", "scenario machine" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "publication": { "journal": "Astronomy Reports", "year": 2008, "month": "Jun", "volume": 52, "number": 6, "pages": 463 }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 4, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 789876, "adsabs": "2008ARep...52..463B" } } }