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arXiv:0805.3449 [math.AG]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

On the Milnor fibers of cyclic quotient singularities

Andras Nemethi, Patrick Popescu-Pampu

Published 2008-05-22, updated 2009-05-06Version 2

The oriented link of the cyclic quotient singularity $\mathcal{X}_{p,q}$ is orientation-preserving diffeomorphic to the lens space $L(p,q)$ and carries the standard contact structure $\xi_{st}$. Lisca classified the Stein fillings of $(L(p,q), \xi_{st})$ up to diffeomorphisms and conjectured that they correspond bijectively through an {\it explicit} map to the Milnor fibers associated with the irreducible components (all of them being smoothing components) of the reduced miniversal space of deformations of $\mathcal{X}_{p,q}$. We prove this conjecture using the smoothing equations given by Christophersen and Stevens. Moreover, based on a different description of the Milnor fibers given by de Jong and van Straten, we also canonically identify these fibers with Lisca's fillings. Using these and a newly introduced additional structure - the order - associated with lens spaces, we prove that the above Milnor fibers are pairwise non-diffeomorphic (by diffeomorphisms which preserve the orientation and order). This also implies that de Jong and van Straten parametrize in the same way the components of the reduced miniversal space of deformations as Christophersen and Stevens.

Comments: 34 pages. Compared to the first version, details of the computations were added in section 8
Journal: Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 101 (2010), 554-588
Categories: math.AG, math.SG
Subjects: 32S55, 53D10, 32S25, 57R17
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