{ "id": "0803.1117", "version": "v2", "published": "2008-03-07T15:42:37.000Z", "updated": "2009-04-20T10:23:25.000Z", "title": "Production of heavy and superheavy nuclei in massive fusion reactions", "authors": [ "Zhao-Qing Feng", "Gen-Ming Jin", "Jun-Qing Li", "Werner Scheid" ], "comment": "26 pages, 15 figures", "journal": "Nucl. Phys. A 816 (2009) 33", "doi": "10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.11.003", "categories": [ "nucl-th" ], "abstract": "Within the framework of a dinuclear system (DNS) model, the evaporation-residue excitation functions and the quasi-fission mass yields in the $^{48}$Ca induced fusion reactions are investigated systematically and compared with available experimental data. Maximal production cross sections of superheavy nuclei based on stable actinide targets are obtained. Isotopic trends in the production of the superheavy elements Z=110, 112-118 based on the actinide isotopic targets are analyzed systematically. Optimal evaporation channels and combinations as well as the corresponding excitation energies are proposed. The possible factors that influencing the isotopic dependence of the production cross sections are analyzed. The formation of the superheavy nuclei based on the isotopes U with different projectiles are also investigated and calculated.", "revisions": [ { "version": "v2", "updated": "2009-04-20T10:23:25.000Z" } ], "analyses": { "subjects": [ "25.70.Jj", "25.60.Pj", "24.10.-i" ], "keywords": [ "superheavy nuclei", "massive fusion reactions", "maximal production cross sections", "ca induced fusion reactions", "quasi-fission mass yields" ], "tags": [ "journal article" ], "publication": { "publisher": "Elsevier", "journal": "Nuclear Physics A", "year": 2009, "month": "Jan", "volume": 816, "number": 1, "pages": 33 }, "note": { "typesetting": "TeX", "pages": 26, "language": "en", "license": "arXiv", "status": "editable", "inspire": 780909, "adsabs": "2009NuPhA.816...33F" } } }